If you are searching for the right antifreeze for your Japanese vehicle, this is probably the right choice. You can use this for up to five years without having to replace or flush it out of your vehicle. The difference between these two forms of blue antifreeze is minute. The other form goes to Subaru, Honda, and Acura vehicles. One form of blue antifreeze is meant for Japanese vehicles such as your Nissan, Mitsubishi, Infiniti, and Mazda. The blue antifreeze shares the same technology as the red antifreeze. You might find ones that are dark blue or light blue, depending on the composition. There are quite different forms of blue antifreeze you can purchase to get your blue coolant. The manufacturers designed it to function with specific components and metal types used to manufacture the assigned vehicle. Other brands like BMW, Volvo, Mercedes, and Jaguar vehicles can also use gold antifreeze.Īll the formulations of gold antifreeze have anti-rust additives. The gold antifreeze is mainly produced to work for the Ford brand of vehicles this includes your Mercury and Lincoln.

Its color mostly depicts yellow-orange color and can easily be mistaken for oil. This antifreeze has quite a few formulations. This type of antifreeze can effectively work on VW, Saab, and GM vehicles. Orange antifreeze is made with anti-corrosion additives, which help prevent rust in your engine cooling system’s various components. This antifreeze is best used for modern or recently manufactured vehicles, whose cooling systems has an aluminum radiator and other aluminum or nylon parts instead of steel.

Orange antifreeze is a new technology coolant. Organic Acid Technology is used to produce orange antifreeze. It is best to replace it after this duration. It is manufactured with a Hybrid Organic Acid Technology (HOAT), and just like the blue antifreeze, this kind of antifreeze can also last up to five years stretch. Mixing red antifreeze and water usually turns the coolant color pink.Īntifreeze manufacturers produce yellow antifreeze for Hyundai and Kai vehicles. Most red coolant is termed as ‘Dexcool.’ It has a lengthy lifespan of about four years. You can use this type of antifreeze for Nissan, Hyundai, Toyota, and Honda vehicles. They are meant for Japanese, European, and Asian vehicles. Two kinds of red antifreeze are available in the market. Red antifreeze is manufactured with HOAT (Hybrid Organic Acid Technology). It is best to use this antifreeze for old manufactured vehicles. After that, you will have to flush and change the coolant to a fresh one. This type of antifreeze can last for about three years. IAT antifreeze has been in existence for decades, produced for the pre-2000 generation of cars, and it has been tested to be effective against corrosion. This is amongst the oldest technology used in antifreeze manufacture. The green antifreeze uses an IAT (Inorganic Additive Technology) formula. Let’s review some of the types and which vehicles use antifreeze. This will show the appropriate antifreeze color designed for your vehicle or vehicle. You need to know the various types of antifreeze used for specific cars and also the coolant color meaning. But without a doubt, mixing different antifreeze together is never an advised alternative. Although you might able to use another form of antifreeze, this is still subject to your vehicle manufacturer’s specifications. Most vehicles are made with the specific antifreeze that should be used, which is the best engine coolant meant for that vehicle. When you need antifreeze for your vehicle’s system either to top or carry out maintenance, you should try as much as possible to get the recommended fluid. In fact, it is not an option you should consider. Stop! You shouldn’t even attempt to do this. So if you are thinking of asking anyone can you mix red and green antifreeze together? Or even mix other forms of antifreeze. Mixing different types of antifreeze will definitely create problems in your engine system.