I told them that was unlikely, knowing my relatives were common peasants, Jewish peasants, at that. I even was sent to the Mayo clinic, who were doing research, and they said I showed a genetic trait common in European and Russian royalty. I didn’t mean to offend anyone, or imply we are Merovingians, or royalty, however, I have been extensively genetically tested, because, in addition to having ABneg blood, I was born with a rare disorder. It was my way of trying to appeal to his vanity, when I tried to convince him that he was like Jesus, if our blood was related, because, like Jesus, he only had a female set of chromosomes in his blood, since Jesus had no human father.

So, they gave him a Bible and a LED ZEPPELIN CD. When he was getting his transfusion of my harvested bone marrow, everyone teased him that he would become me. I have to add that my brother is very antichristian, and has always been antagonistic towards my conversion. THAT was the source for our original discussion, When they found out he was a blood marrow recipient, they were all surprised. He was sent for comprehensive testing, and they did a chromosone study, which showed he had female chromosones, but, the lab report said, ”male”… so, they kept faxing the doctor asking for the right patient, since, they were unable to process this report, since it showed a female, not a male. When I said, my brother has female blood, I should have said CHROMOSOMES, as in xx, not related to the blood type neg. I’m the silly Michelle quoted, and thanks Annie for trying to decipher my silliness. I’m not sure I know what Michelle is saying. My brother had leukemia and received a rescue bone marrow transplant from me, and it turned his blood into AB negative FEMALE blood, like Christ’ s or the Man of the Shroud’s. It also means that my brother is probably the only human in history besides Jesus to have AB Negative blood that was chromosomal female, because he only had maternal genes. Knowing he is very narcissistic, I was given a golden nugget of information to feed him, namely that if Jesus was AB Negative, and that was his shroud, that means that Mary’s blood was AB Negative. It constantly annoys me, because, he’s so blasphemous that he claims Jesus doesn’t even exist. I have to add that my brother is a great despiser of Jesus Christ, and I can’t figure out why. He was so unimpressed and sardonic that it made me think of a way for him to see a positive spin on having this bloodline. When I told my brother that we may have the blood of Christ, he said sarcastically, that I should contact Dan Brown, and tell him we’re the real Merovingian. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry until I read the last paragraph of The Blood of Christ in the blog XChristXFiles: